Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our community with a professional, progressive, community-oriented police department. We strive to serve our citizens with the utmost courtesy and concern for their needs with an emphasis on integrity and fairness. We conduct ourselves in such a manner as to instill confidence and pride in the Benton Police Department by the community. We strive to protect the constitutional rights of everyone. Our purpose is to create an atmosphere of safety and security in our community.
In accomplishing the above mission, we continually direct our efforts in the following areas:
- Recognizing the spirit of our department is one of helping people and providing assistance at every opportunity.
- Striving to gain community support in the suppression of criminal activity.
- Aggressively responding to criminal activity in a manner consistent with safeguarding the rights of all citizens.
- Realizing that the employees of our Department are the most important part of the organization and constantly striving to help them in their performance and development.
- Developing leadership throughout the Department.
- Consistently demanding the highest degree of integrity, professionalism, and proactiveness from all employees.
Contact Numbers
Office of the Chief of Police: 501-776-5983
Patrol: 501-776-5949
RECORDS: 501-776-5948
Criminal Investigations Division/
SexOffender Registration/Evidence: 501-776-5947
Non-Emergency: 501-778-1171
Emergency: 911

Text "BENTONPD" plus your message to 847411

Plan ahead for any emergency. Give 911 the information they need to help you fast!

Home is where the heart is :)
Benton Business Watch
Modeled after the Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch takes the “neighbors looking out for neighbors” concept to the commercial level. Read more...

As part of the National Drug Control Strategy, the Office of National Drug Control Policy has called for an increase of prescription drug return and disposal programs as a means to curb prescription drug abuse.